So here it is folks: my convention report for Animazement 2011! Dun dun dun. I'll include pretty pictures to entice you to read this.
This AZ was the first ever that I didn't have to plan a road trip as well as everything for the convention. Living in the same town as the con you're going to also proved really handy... more on that later. Basically I sat around my house on Thursday until my friends let me know they were arriving and then I drove over with my roommate. I met up with Marci first thing because she was storing one of my costumes in her room since I wouldn't be getting my room until Friday. Then I headed over to Bish and Natalie's room so we could have a skit costume try on party. Due to unforeseen set backs Natalie didn't finish her costume for our skit but I had three Amano inspired Final Fantasy costumes so the day was saved! So I basically taught the girls how Celes and Lenna are worn and then skipped off in Celes to the bar with everyone. No drinking for me however since my debit card information was stolen... >.> Great timing guys. Nothing was taken from my account but they turned my card off. Blerg. After chilling for a while with Nat, Bish and their husbands I ran off to meet Sonja and Marci for a photoshoot!

Sonja takes lovely photos! It was alot of fun to do a shoot with Marci too, usually I'm taking photos of her!
After the shoot Michael made it to Convention and I changed ever so classily in the parking deck then we stood in the long pre-reg pick up line! I was lucky that Corey held a spot for me because she already had her badge. I heard some people waited 2 hours! I think I waited 30 minutes and they were grand minutes of catch up with friends.

After getting our badges several of us walked over to the Flying Saucer to start the party! We got the back room again! I met some new people, had lovely moments with old friends and made Natalie escort me to the bathroom several times... Flying Saucer on Thursday of Con is really my favorite tradition about Animazement. After sufficient drinking and catching up Michael drove Corey and I home.
Friday: Started by day at 6:40 am...oh dear. I got into makeup and then Michael drove Corey and I back to con where I yet again changed in the parking deck like a classy broad. I had intended to change at home but forgot several important aspects of wearing my costume in the car. Corey and I then ate a lovely pop tart breakfast in front of the convention center before heading up to Marci's room where I finished my makeup and left my box with her.
Then basically I wondered around convention alot, I took very little photos I'm a failure. I did a photoshoot with Jayce...

I was talked into trying my luck for Cosplay Chess, I also entered Rydia in Craftmanship with Ellie as my amazing Rosa. We didn't win anything but it was alot of fun to talk about our costumes. Shortly after I went back to my room (that we finally had!) to change into clothing of Lindz's so I could brave the rain and get my stuff from my car. I made good friends with the parking deck attendant that let me move my car and not pay upon reentry! I then decided I couldn't wait any longer to wear Sophitia!
But then I discovered I left her dress at home... Good thing I live 15 minutes away!! It pains me to leave the convention center during the con but at least it was only a 30 minute detour from the fun. I got back in time to change and catch some of Karaoke. People really seemed to love my Sophitia costume and that made me happy!
I ended my Friday with some Anime Hell before I got too cold and decided to head up to the room for the night. Lindz and Amy had the same idea and we cuddled on the bed watching TLC and fell asleep.
Saturday:Woke up early and got into Sophitia then ran with hash browns in hand to the mandatory cosplay meeting. So thrilling right? :-p

But it wouldn't be Animazement for me without participating in skits. I then met up with the rest of my Soul Calibur posse (Cosplay Mob FTW). Dee, Sonja, Regena and I did a shoot with Jayce and I absolutely cannot wait to see those photos!!

I took one of Sonja! I think cosplaying with those ladies is my new favorite (other than my Pirates of course!) I had alot of fun and I LOVE my costume. I'm excited to wear it again for Otakon.
Sadly my Sophitia time was cut short when I had to change back into Rydia because I was accepted into Cosplay Chess. Cosplay Chess however was a ton of fun! I was a Pawn and I was on the side of the board that got very little action but I got to hang with Courtney, my new Scott Pilgrim buddy Matthew, and I got to heckle Angel who was on the other side of the board as me.
I got to take out another pawn and in the end I met my demise at the hand of Marci as Black Rock Shooter. So really, it was a great way to go! :-p
After Chess I ran and got food and then back for Masquerade! Our skit was short, sweet and pretty clever. Most of all it was fun to be in. I was a bit disappointed that they divided us into categories for the contest and then didn't divide for awards so there were less awards. But Pippin's skit with End of Forever won as they should have! It was amazing. After all of this my poor eating habits throughout the day caught up with me and my blood sugar crashed hard. I ended up missing the dance and playing Catan with Bish. Instead I packed up everything except my Sunday costume and Michael drove me home because he's the best.
Sunday: I came back to the hotel and changed into Psyduck! This costume was alot of fun to wear! I usually never dress up on Sunday but I'm glad I did. I got to say my sad goodbyes and scour the dealers room dressed as my favorite Pokemon! I also made an appearance at the Pokemon shoot.

Kristina Wheeler got this shot of me and I love it! I feel pretty.
After the shoot we enjoyed sno cones and decided it was time to go. But my fun day was not over! We had Bish and Mike over to our new place and then we met up with Lina, Scott, and Roger for dinner at Orchid! All you can eat SUSHI! It was amazing as always. Then we had dessert at Yogurt Mountain.
Overall this convention was as expected from Animazement and I am only dissapointed in myself for not taking better care of my blood sugar and missing out on Saturday night. I had a great time seeing friends, meeting new ones, and cosplaying of course! I can't wait till the next con... OTAKON!
Swag: Domo Purse, Domo Magnet (from Bishie), Dice Set (from Michael)