So I could catch you up on everything you missed in my period of forgetting I have a blog, but instead I will just share with you a promise that from now on I do everything in my chosen hobby on my own terms, and let me tell you I have never felt better, I have never felt more like myself.
I will also share with you the fruits of my Sunday DIY labor! It's not cosplay, but it's still pretty.

These frames were excellent finds at Michael's. They were plain wood and I spray painted them to go in my roommate's and I new craft room. The first picture was drawn by my lovely best friend Katherine "Mayuge Seishou" Stocking (who I will never hesitate to cosplay with) the second was a fantastically trashy print I got at Katsucon that reminds me of my old Mustang and my last summer in Boone. Fitting prints for a craft room me thinks.

And the last of the projects for today... Before:

Maybe next post I'll have costume related work to show... ^.^