General process here:
Starting with the feathers, the largest feather was an after Christmas sale find at Michaels. I painted a black feather gold with gold leaf for the second feather. The third non feather thing was a fake flower arrangement I attacked with gold spray paint back when I was doing Lenna. I love gold.
The flower is a clip I got at Claire's last September as part of a 10 for $10 deal. It was an odd shade of green and involved feathers and rhinestones. Not something I'd actually wear outside of costume mind you. So I added gold leaves from the fore mentioned flower arrangement, tipped the blossom with gold leaf and glued on a once white, now red rose also edged in gold.
The crown is foam and hot glue spray painted gold. I glued on green beads as the jewels, and attacked to two pins that hook to m hair under the wig.
As for the wig, I haven't done anything to it. I saved this beauty from my friend Stephanie who didn't love it as I love it.
So that begins Rydia! Lets see if this weekend between apartment hunting, bike riding, and website updates I can get some more progress on at least one of my costumes done!