Sunday, March 28, 2010


Last night I went to a Zoo themed party as a peacock. Having being invited the night before I didn't have much time to create a costume but it has inspired me to create a peacock costume at some point. I mean, it's a prideful animal... I NEED to.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tinkerbell Progress

So this is the very very base of my Tinker Bell ball gown for Anime Boston. Get pumped.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Costume Progress

So the steam punk Sailor Scout costumes are starting to look awesome! Here is a sneak preview. Ignore my black bra please!

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Page

I've decided to turn the page on this sad, pathetic, heartbroken life I've been leading and I will show that I am doing this on the internet through this blog. This blog is now my COSTUME BLOG! I'll leave my emo ramblings for nostalgia sake but we're moving on in internet land and in life. I'd like you all to know that his phone number no longer exists in my phone.

But more importantly I'd like you all to know that I am eat, sleep and breathing this website update!!!

Here's a sneak preview:

Love it as I love it.

I'm pretty proud, it's both trendy and bright and alternatively cute. Definitely not what you see in a Cosplay website typically. And that is important since the Cosplay Pirates are not exactly typical.

In other costume news I'm doing costume photo shoots this weekend and the following weekend. Also planning my costumes for all of my cons until May 2011. Yes... 2011. My extreme love of planning requires this. And yes this is what I'm doing instead of thinking about losing the stupid fucking boy that I'm trying very hard not to view as the potential love of my life /pissedoffheartbrokenrant.

So we're funneling the energy I had spent on loving this said stupid boy into cosplay. Expect great things.